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Building Control, Air Quality and Noise Control

Once all building work has been properly completed, the owner or builder may apply to the Built Environment Section for Certificate of Occupancy. This must be issued by the section within 14 days of receiving the request, on condition that the work has been completed according to the approved plan. All relevant documentation/certificates must be provided as per application form requested. If the request is denied, the section must give reasons for its refusal.

All building plans need to be approved by your municipality, they may consider many factors for example the impact of developments on the surrounding environment and heritage status among other things.

If you’re considering extensive home renovations which will have an impact on the structure of the building, you’ll need your building plans approved before any construction starts. This is to ensure that all construction plans comply with guidelines and regulations.

The municipality is responsible for checking and approving all building plans, and they’ll consider various factors, including the impact on the surrounding environment, town planning principals and the health consequences of the development before approving any plans.

Submission requirements

You’ll need to apply online on the Ovvio portal and upload plans for plan submission to get your plans submitted for approval.                              X  Portal application form

The following forms need to be completed when applying for building plan approval.

Unless it is completed in full the application will not be accepted.

X Building Plan Application Form.

X SANS Forms (1-4)

You`ll need to give the building inspector a notice of intention to commence with building work at least two (2) working days before the inspection to take place.

If you appoint an engineer to undertake the design or segment of the building, you need the following forms which are part of SANS 10400-A2022.

Form 2 is the appointment of an engineer or competent person. Form 4 is the completion certificate after form 2.

SANS 10400- A Form 3 only to be used when the appointed person appoints a competent person to undertake the design of an element or segment of the building.


  1. 1. Building plan approval application forms.
  2. 2. South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) registration form.
  3. 3. A copy of the property’s title deed.
  4. 4. Power of Attorney for your architect / draughtsman to submit your plans for you.
  5. 5. The surveyors’ General diagram, along with a zoning certificate, contour map and aerial view of the property.
  6. 6. Stamps from any relevant authorities. These could include the fire department and environmental health authority or Heritage Western Cape.
  7. 7. Town planning check.
  8. 8. An Engineer Certificate of Appointment/Completion.
  9. 9. Permission form the body Corporate or Aesthetics Committee.
  10. 10. Official building line relaxation permission or rezoning consent from the town planning authority.




  1. 11. Environmental Authorisation/Setback (where applicable).
  2. 12. Orientation/Site plan.
  3. 13. Building Lines.
  4. 14. Electric layout with calculations.
  5. 15. Fire plan.
  6. 16. Height of buildings on sections.
  7. 17. Fenestration calculations (where applicable).
  8. 18. An approved and updated Site Development Plan.
  9. 19. Your homes energy efficiency calculations and lighting layout.
  10. 20. The hot- and cold-water layout and the 50% renewable hot water compliance (Solar, Gas, Heat pump).
  11. 21. Sanitation layout as required. Where no sewerage line conservancy tank or 8000L required.
  12. 22. If you want to renovate/demolish a building older than 60 years you need the approval of Heritage Western Cape.

Electro-Mechanical Services

  • How are tariffs determined?
    • Tariffs are based on the actual cost to serve and then submitted to NERSA for approval to ensure it is fair and falls within their benchmarks.
  • Where does the Municipality buy their bulk electricity?
    • Our electricity is currently sourced solely from Eskom
  • Is there a Small-Scale Embedded Generation policy in the Municipality?
    • Yes, we have a policy, and we compensate residents for their generation into our grid and have had NERSA approved tariffs since the 2017/18 financial year
  • Can we have a second connection on one property?
    • Yes, you may, although there will only be one supply cable to your property and the total capacity between the two connections may not exceed 70A
  • Where do we address account enquiries?
    • Account enquiries must be addressed to the financial department as they are responsible for meter reading and billing.
  • Where do we address complaints and requests?
  • Where do we find the Small-Scale Embedded Generation documents and by laws?
  • What is the responsibility of the Municipality with respect to the metering installation?
    • The Municipality is responsible for the cable installation to the property boundary, the cable within the resident’s property is their responsibility
    • The prepaid meter is the responsibility of the Municipality, but the ready board or Distribution Board and internal wiring is the responsibility of the owner
    • The conventional meter and circuit breaker located on the exterior wall of the house is the property of the Municipality, but the meter enclosure is the property and responsibility of the owner.

Human Settlements

Human Settlements

Providing services for:


Housing development must promote:

–           The housing needs of the poor

–           Choice of housing and tenure options

–           Economic, fiscal, social and financial affordability and sustainability

–           Integrated development planning

–           Environmental sustainability

–           Principles of good governance: transparency, accountability and equitability

–           Empowerment through building capacity

–           Consumer education and protection

–           Socially and economically viable communities

–           Safe and healthy living conditions

–           Racial, social, economic and physical integration in urban and rural areas

–           The effective functioning of the housing market and level playing fields

–           Equality in respect of gender, race, creed, class, etc.

–           Higher densities and the economical utilization of land and services

–           Special needs including those of the disabled and the housing needs of the marginalized including women and other disadvantaged groups

–           Community and recreational facilities in residential areas

–           Expression of cultural identity and diversity in housing development

–           Participation

–           Gearing for additional finance and investments from non-government sources

Information Communication Technology

Public Wi-Fi is available in all Wards in the Municipal Area.  For the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot in your area see the following link:

The CCTV cameras is monitored 24/7 by Cape Agulhas and Overberg District Municipal Officials.

The CCTV System and process must be POPIA compliant and can only be provided in terms of legislation.  The Municipality only provide CCTV information to the SAPS on request.

Internal Audit

Internal auditing may be seen more as an internal control that checks whether other controls are operating effectively to achieve the objective for which they were meant. Internal auditors are professionally trained to evaluate controls, risk management and governance processes and provide necessary recommendations for improvement.

programs are critical for monitoring and assuring that all of your business assets have been properly secured and safeguarded from threats. It is also important for verifying that your business processes reflect your documented policies and procedures and that Laws and Regulations are adhered to

Internal auditors will examine issues related to the municipality’s business practices and risks, while external auditors examine the financial records and issue an opinion regarding the financial statements of the company. Internal audits are conducted throughout the year, while external auditors conduct once a year.

The audit of most areas (other than special requests) is generally based on the annual risk assessments results, internal audit observations and inputs from management. The audit outcomes of the annual external audit are also considered.

Internal audit reports administratively (for time and attendance) to the Municipal Manager and functionally to the Audit Committee that consists of external experts in their field. This is to ensure the independence and objectivity of the Internal Audit activity.

  • Internal Auditing is a profession under the custodianship of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), its operations are guided by International Standards of the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards). Therefore, each Internal Audit Activity required to be subjected to an external assessment conducted by an independent external assessor or assessment team from an outside organisation at least every five years to ensure that they adhere to the Standards and the Code of Ethics.
    • Internal auditors are required to have necessary knowledge to evaluate fraud risks and how they are managed by the organisation but are not necessarily expected to have expertise of person who specialises in fraud detection and investigation.

Protection Services

Protection Services
The focus of Protection Services is to create and promote a safe and secure environment for the Greater Cape Agulhas area by means of enforcing Municipal Bylaws, crime prevention, VIP protection. To safeguard Municipal Property by means of investigations and safety and security functions. To promote responsible road usage by means of Traffic Enforcement. Promote peace and stainability in Cape Agulhas areas. Issue fines to offenders. Secure Municipal property and assets. Investigate theft, accidents, and damage to Municipal property.  The Department is responsible for: Traffic Services, Law Enforcement, Driving License Testing Centre, Vehicle Testing Centre, Motor Registration, Fines Administration and Disaster Management.

Traffic Services
The Traffic function is responsible for Traffic Law Enforcement and Administration thereof:

  • To reduce accidents, fatalities, and injuries
  • To maximise communication and publicity exposure on enforcement issues.
  • To create a heightened awareness of road traffic safety issues.
  • To inculcate good road user behaviour
  • To contribute towards the reduction of crime and offenses in general.

Our task as Traffic Officers is:

  • To conduct high visibility patrols.
  • To provide an efficient emergency respond service.
  • To ensure a sustainable and successful maintenance strategy of road signs and markings.
  • To enforce traffic law, public traffic control and Municipal bylaws throughout the Municipal area.
  • To conduct public information and awareness programs.


Law Enforcement

The Law enforcement section is responsible for Law Enforcement, VIP Protection and Security Services.

  • To promote a safe environment in the greater Cape Agulhas area by means of enforcing the Municipal bylaws.
  • To safeguard Municipal property by means of investigation and security function.
  • To promote responsible road usage by means of traffic enforcement.

Our task as Law Enforcement is:

  • To promote peace and stability in Cape Agulhas area.
  • To issue fines for offenders.
  • To enforce Municipal bylaws.
  • To secure Municipal property and assets.
  • Investigate, theft, accident, and damages to municipal property.


Driver’s License Testing Centre, Motor Registration and Vehicle Testing Station (VTS)

The Protection Services Department has reached yet another milestone by improving their reception and waiting area for the Administration Function.  The eye testing function is moved from the middle of the building to the front of the building as part of the reception area and cashier’s service. This makes service delivery in the Licensing function easier and quicker.


Disaster Management

It is our aim at the Disaster Management to identify, prevent or reduce the occurrence of disasters, and to soften the impact of those hazards that cannot be prevented.

  • To save life, property, and the environment.
  • To implement risk reduction strategies on identified risk and plan accordingly.
  • To expand knowledge about the disaster risk and hazards to the community.
  • To respond to hazardous incidents.
  • Miscellaneous assistance to people.
  • To promote public safety.

Cape Agulhas Municipality is in a shared service agreement with the Overberg District Fire Services and Operational Call Centre function.


In the case of an emergency or any problem with municipal services the following numbers can be call 24/7.

028 425 5500 or 028 425 1690

Traffic Services

Operating hours is from 08:00am until 17:00pm. After hours Standby function.

Law Enforcement

Operating hours is from 08:00am until 17:00pm. After hours Standby function.

Driver’s License Testing Centre

Monday to Thursday
Starting time 08:00am until 13:00pm

Lunch Time 13:00pm until 13:30pm

Afternoon 13:30pm until 15:00pm (transactions)

Enquiries until 16:30 pm


Starting time 08:00am until 13:00pm

Lunch time 13:00pm until 13:30pm

Afternoon 13:30pm until 14:00pm (transactions)

Enquiries until 16:00pm
Disaster Management

24/7 available (on standby function)

Traffic Services

  • Questions about transactions
  • What type of Transactions?
  • What type of forms they need?
  • What is the fees payable for the different transactions


Driving License Testing Centre

Fees for different functions and required documentation:

  • Learners License

Appointment R68.00 + 2 ID photos + acceptable identification.

(Acceptable identification: RSA ID/ Traffic Register Number Certificate/ Valid Temporary ID/ Valid South African Passport.)

Should you pass the learners on the day of appointment R33.00 is payable.

  • Renewal driver’s license card/ Duplicate of Driver’s License cards R140.00.
  • Temporary Driver’s License R45.00.
  • Application for Professional Driver’s Permit (PRDP) R80.00 + 2 ID photos + acceptable identification + Valid Medical Certificate (valid for 2 months) + Fingerprint Police Clearance (R110.00).
  • Application for Driver’s License Test for the following License Codes:

A1/ A/ B/ EB = R135.00

C1/ C/ EC1/ EC = R200.00

Should you pass your driver’s test on the day of test R140.00 is payable. (Excluding PDP R80.00.)


Motor Registration

Registration of a motor vehicle is between R240.00 – R480.00.

Licensing calculated by Natis.

Duplicate Registration Certificate: R165.00

Temporary Permit (21 days): R66.00 + Valid Roadworthy Certification

Special Permit (3 days): R48.00

Change of Address (FICA):

Individual: Acceptable identification, Proof of Address and Notice of Change of Particulars (NCP) Form.

Businesses/ Trusts/ Partnerships/ Farms: Acceptable identification, or BRNC/ TRNC (whichever applicable.)

Business Registration Certificate (Cipro docs)/ Authorisation letter from the Master of Courts.

Proxy/ Representative ID

Valid Proof of Address in Business Name.

Letter on Letterhead of Business (details of business, proxy and representative details, date, relevant signatures.)


Estate registration

  1. Original Registration Certificate where Titleholder and Owner are the same.

(IF NOT) Executor must apply for duplicate in person where deceased use to live.

(OR) Otherwise Authorisation Letter from PGWC must accompany application if executor is authorising someone else to apply on his/her behalf.

DRC Form must be completed.

  1. Appointment letter of Executorship (From Master of the Court
  2. Clear id COPY OF EXECUTOR.
  3. Letter from executor (confirming in whose name the vehicle may be registered.)
  4. Death certificate of deceased.
  5. Marriage certificate when vehicle must be registered into spouse’s name

(IF NOT) a valid Roadworthy is required. (Valid for 60 days)

  1. Clear ID copy of new owner
  2. Clear ID copy of deceased.



  • If new titleholder/owner cannot do registration and/or licensing him/herself, an authorisation letter must be accompanied application with a clear copy of authorized person’s ID
  • If Duplicate Registration Certificate is required and Titleholder and Owner is different, only the titleholder (most Bank or Financial Institution) can apply for duplicate or Authorised letter from PGWC must accompany application if Titleholder is authorising someone else on his/her behalf.
  • Duplicate can only be obtained where the Titleholder’s Physical address is.



Form RLV for Registration – Completed by owner

RPI – Completed by SAPS

SOA – Affidavit IRO built up motor vehicle.

GVM – Confirmation of motor vehicle information by Examiner.

IF GVM is more than 750kg LO (SABS) is required.

MMC – Mass measuring certificate/weighbridge certificate ID copy of owner OR

Business Registration Cert. copy (with copy of Proxy and Representative ID’S) OR Traffic Registration Cert. Copy (with copy of Proxy and Representative ID’s)

Proof of purchase of vehicle (when purchased as a complete vehicle from BUILDER/MANUFACTURER)

All Receipts/ Invoices of parts used to rebuild/build vehicle:

Must include Steel – & Axles purchases.

Proof of address (owner) – see FICA list.


After vehicle has been introduced on E-Natis:


Roadworthy Certificate – Examiner of vehicles: Complete ACR application form.




  • Form RLV for registration – complete by owner
  • Form APC for Form RPC – completed by SAPS
  • Original De-Registration Certificate
  • Form SOA – Affidavit IRO built up motor vehicle
  • Form GVM – confirmation of vehicle information by Examiner of motor vehicles.
  • IF GVM is more than 750kg LOA (SABS) is required.
  • Form MMC – Mass measuring certificate/ weighbridge certificate.
  • ID Copy of Owner OR Business Registration Certificate OR Traffic Registration Certificate (with copy of proxy/representatives ID’S).
  • Proof of purchase of vehicle (when purchased as a complete vehicle from builder/manufacturer)
  • All receipts/invoices of parts used to rebuild/build vehicle must include Steel and Axles purchases
  • Roadworthy Certificate – examiner of vehicle – complete
  • Form ACR application.



  • Form ABR (for registration of CC or PTY LTD. (completed by Proxy or Representative).
  • Form ANR (for registration of Trust/farming (completed by Proxy or representative) / Foreigner)
  • Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or a Close Corporation or a Founding Statement or a Certificate of Name Change issued by CIPRO or CIPC (whichever on is applicable)
  • On Letterhead: Business name, Business Registration nr, contact tel. nr, Postal address, Physical Address, Email Address (if any), the details of the Proxy and the Representative: Who is the proxy of Business and Who is the representative (These 2 people need to sign on this letter)
  • Acceptable Identification of Both the natural Persons nominated as the Proxy and Representative
  • Proof of Residential Address of Business (e.g. Utility Bill OR Lease Agreement OR Proof of purchase of property or title deed: If water and electricity bill is registered in proxy or representatives name (and not in business name) then a Separate Letter must accompany application, confirming that the Business is run from proxy/representatives home address OR confirmation of residential address on Bank Letterhead signed and stamped by Bank official OR Telkom landline statement OR one of the options on FICA LIST.


Vehicle Testing Centre (VTS)

Costing of Roadworthy Tests:

Application for Motorcycle R55.00

Application for Goods Motor Vehicles R165.00

Other R135.00

Road Worthy Certification R33.00


Traffic Fines

All fines issued within CAM area is payable at the Traffic Department or at ABSA Bank. People is also advised to do payment via EFT and send proof of payment and fine or Correct Fine Number as reference number which must be the same as the reference on Bank or EFT payment to: or

Banking Details


Account Name: Cape Agulhas Traffic Fines

Account Number: 4064121626

Branch Code: 632005

Reference Number: Traffic Fine number


All enquiries regarding traffic fines can also be email to the abovementioned email addresses.

List the legislation, by-laws, policies, plans and strategies with approval dates that regulate your department.


  • The Constitution of South Africa, 1993(Act 103 of 1993
  • Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977)
  • Fire Brigade Services Act, 1987 (Act 99 of 1987)
  • National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996)
  • Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002)
  • Control of Public Premises and Vehicles Act, 1985 (Act 53 of 1985)
  • Western Cape Noise Regulations PN 200/ 2013
  • Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000)
  • Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998)



  • Cape Agulhas Municipality By-laws, Government Gazette 63003, 03 October 2005



  • Cape Agulhas Municipal Disaster Management Plan, reviewed March 2022
  • Cape Agulhas Community Safety Plan, Approved March 2022
  • Cape Agulhas Municipal Winter Season Readiness Plan, Approved June 2022

Public Services

Public Services
–  Maintenance of Municipal Buildings/Properties

–  Cutting of grass

–  Cleaning of Open Spaces

–  Dealing with complaints of overgrown private properties

–  Renting of Sport Facilities

–  Renting of Community Halls

–  Renting of Resorts

–  Cemeteries

–  Cleaning of Municipal Buildings

–  Maintenance of Municipal Buildings/Properties – Daily

–  Cutting of grass – 8 week program

–  Cleaning of Open Spaces – 8 week programs

–  Dealing with complaints of overgrown private properties – Daily

–  Renting of Sport Facilities – Daily

   *  Struisbaai – Marelese Nomdo 072 766 3288

   *  Arniston – Lorna Murtz / Angela Faroa (028) 445 9620

   *  Park Street Sport Grounds, Bredasdorp Sport Complex & Anene

       Booysen Sport Grounds – Delphine Hopley (028) 425 5500

   *  Napier – Wilma van Eck (028) 423 3257

   *  Klipdale – Eva Wilschutte 072 286 3611

   *  Protem – Elize Karelse 072 531 5454

–  Renting of Community Halls – Daily

   *  Struisbaai – Amanda Balintulo (028) 435 6820

   *  Arniston – Lorna Murtz / Angela Faroa (028) 445 9620

   *  Nelson Mandela Hall & Glasksteel – Delphine Hopley

      (028) 425 5500

   *  Napier – Wilma van Eck (028) 423 3257

   *  Klipdale – Eva Wilschutte 072 286 3611

   *  Protem – Elize Karelse 072 531 5454

   *  Bredasdorp Community Hall – Hershal Jantjies 079 313 1985

   *  Thusong Hall – Luzeth Smith (028) 425 5500

–  Renting of Resorts – Daily

*  Struisbaai – Andre Strydom / Estelle Apollis (028) 435 6820

   *  Arniston – Lorna Murtz / Angela Faroa (028) 445 9620

   *  Suikerbossie Caravan Park – Hershal Jantjies 079 313 1985

   *  Struisbaai- North Caravan Park – Marelese Nomdo 072 766 3288

–  Cemeteries – As needed

   *  Struisbaai – Amanda Balintulo (028) 435 6820

   *  Arniston – Lorna Murtz / Angela Faroa (028) 445 9620

   *  Bredasdorp – Shaunene Pieterse (028) 425 5500

   *  Napier – Wilma van Eck (028) 423 3257

   *  Klipdale – Eva Wilschutte 072 286 3611

   *  Protem – Elize Karelse 072 531 5454


–  Cleaning of Municipal Buildings – Dailyc

Tree Policy

Policy for cleaning/clearing of private property

Solid Waste Management


Recycling – to separate material with value from waste with no value.

Streets and Stormwater

  • Maintenance of surfaced roads
  • Maintenance of gravel roads
  • Upgrading of infrastructure
  • Maintenance of stormwater systems
  • Management of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant
  • Capital projects

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Get registered

In order to register, you will need the following:

  • A valid Tax Compliance Pin (TCP) obtainable from the Receiver of Revenue (SARS).
  • A credible bank account.
  • Registered with the appropriate Industry Regulatory body for your specific industry (e.g. attorney with the law society), where applicable.
  • BEE Certificate, where applicable

Access bids or quotations via:

  • Our website
  • Notice boards
  • Local Newspapers

A quotation is an informal offer to perform work, render a service or supply goods at a price. Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a form of procurement where processes and procedures have been relaxed in accordance with pre-determined transactional ceiling costs.

A bid, previously called a tender, is a formal offer to perform, render a service or supply goods at a price. The bidding process is a detailed, document driven process, which requires the potential supplier to complete and submit a document within a predetermined timeframe.

In order to register, you will need the following:

  • A valid Tax Clearance Certificate (TAC) obtainable from the Receiver of Revenue (SARS).
  • A credible bank account.
  • Registered with the appropriate Industry Regulatory body for your specific industry (e.g. attorney with the law society), where applicable.
  • BEE Certificate, where applicable

Complete Supplier Registration forms available from municipal offices or download here. (hyperlink to doc).

  • Our website
  • Notice boards
  • Newspapers

Tourism and Local Economic Development

LED is intended to maximise the economic potential of Cape Agulhas municipal localities and enhance the resilience of macro-economic growth through increased local economic growth and development initiatives within the context of sustainable development, by :


1) Empowerment of Small, Medium & Micro enterprises

2) Training

3) Mentorship & incubation

4) Co-operative development

5) Finance mentorship

6) Access to marketing development

7) Enterprise development programmes

8) Contractor development programmes

9) New Business Registrations

10) Registration of co-operatives

11) Marketing and development of tourism products


Do you provide funding for equipment and start-up capital for businesses and other upcoming enterprises ?

  • No the LED/Tourism – division is not in a position to provide any funding of any sort, we do however assist upcoming businesses and other SMME’s with the drafting of business plans, as well as referrals to potential funders.

Do you assist individuals with tax related issues, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)-applications, etc ?

Individuals who require assistance with the above are encouraged to directly make contact with the above government departments, or alternatively make use of the community development workers who are based at the Thusong Centre.

Water and Sewerage

The department is responsible for:

Purifying water to SANS 241 quality

Ensure bulk water reticulation network is operating effectively and efficiently.


The department is responsible for:

Purifying sewer to SANS 242 quality

Ensure bulk sewer reticulation network is operating effectively and efficiently.

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